
Le Acque Termali di Contursi

Thermal Waters

Useful information about the springs in the Contursi Terme area

Meteo a Contursi

Weather in Contursi

Weather forecast for Contursi Terme - Updated today

Meteo a Contursi

Visit the Historic Center

Every Sunday at 6:30 PM, guided tour of the historic center of Contursi Terme. Reservation required.

Our Recommendations...

  • i monti alburni

    The Alburni Mountains


    The imposing Alburni massif is clearly visible from Contursi. Trails of varying difficulty through beautiful forests, fascinating caves, and...

  •  Amalfi Residence, Conca de’ Marini

    Villa Italia

    Contursi Terme

    The optimal choice for families looking to combine thermal treatments and swimming with the charm of the Contursi countryside...